Weak Hero Class 2 is the second season of a Korean drama based on a webtoon. The story follows Yeon Shi Eun, a model student who fights to protect his friends from violence. The new season introduces new actors including Ryeoun, Choi Min-young, Lee Min-jae, Yoo Soo-bin, Bae Na-ra and Lee Jun-young. The original director, writer, action director and music director are all returning for season 2. The show is expected to be premiere on Netflix in 2024.
- Korean Drama: Weak Hero Class 2
- Native Title: 약한영웅 Class 2
- Also Known As (AKA): Weak Hero Season 2, Yakanyeongung Class 2, 약한영웅 시즌2
- Country: South Korea
- Genres: Action, Thriller, Youth
- Director: You Su Min
- Number of Episodes: 8
- Release date: 2024 ?
- Watch On: Netflix
- Running time: 60 min.
Director Han Jun-hee Shares Update on Social Media
Director Han Jun-hee took to social media to announce the completion of filming for “Weak Hero Class 2.” The post included tags for actors Park Ji-hoon, Ryeoun, Bae Na-ra, Lee Min-jae, and Lee Jun-young, who are confirmed to appear in the upcoming season. Actors Ryeoun and Bae Na-ra also shared the post, further amplifying the news of the filming wrap.
Story Follows Yeon Shi Eun’s Fight Against Violence
“Weak Hero Class 2” is based on the popular Naver webtoon “Weak Hero,” written by SEOPASS and illustrated by Kim Jin Seok. The story centers around Yeon Shi Eun (played by Park Ji-hoon), a model student who transfers to Eunjang High School. Haunted by the trauma of failing to protect his friends from violence, Yeon Shi Eun finds himself embroiled in a fight against a greater power to ensure he never loses his new friends again.
New Faces Join the Cast
Following the success of “Weak Hero Class 1,” which received praise for its refreshing cast dynamic, “Weak Hero Class 2” introduces a new wave of talented actors.
- Fresh Faces as Yeon Shi Eun’s New Friends: Ryeoun (as Park Hu-min), Choi Min-young (as Seo Jun Tae), and Lee Min-jae (as Go Hyun-tak) will portray Yeon Shi Eun’s close companions at Eunjang High School.
- Returning Character and New Alliances: Yoo Soo-bin, who delivered a tense showdown with Yeon Shi Eun at the end of Season 1, reprises his role as Choi Hyo-man in Season 2.
- United Against Them: Bae Na-ra (as Na Baek-jin) and Lee Jun-young (as Keum Seong Je) join the cast as members of the “United” group. Their characters, possessing a duality of good and evil, will pose a significant challenge for Yeon Shi Eun and his allies.
Returning Production Crew
The production team behind “Weak Hero Class 1” is also returning for Season 2. This includes Director You Su Min (writer and director), Action Director Heo Myeong-hang (responsible for the show’s signature action sequences), Music Director Primary (composer of the drama’s impactful music.)
Meanwhile, Weak Hero Class 2 is expected to be released on Netflix in 2024.