April 27, 2024
News Celebrity Loss & Grieving

Jeon Hye-Jin Faces Another Loss: Father-in-Law Passes Away Months After Husband

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Jeon Hye Jin Faces Another Loss Father in Law Passes Away Months After Husband
Image Credit: iMBC

Veteran actress Jeon Hye-jin is facing another heartbreaking loss. Just three months after the passing of her husband, actor Lee Sun-kyun, news broke today that Lee Sun-kyun’s father has also died.

This news comes as another blow to Lee Sun-kyun’s family, who are still grappling with the actor’s sudden passing in December 2023. Lee’s wife, actress Jeon Hye-jin (48), is now facing the immense grief of losing both her husband and father-in-law within a short period.

According to reports from Lee’s former agency, HODU&U Entertainment, his father passed away peacefully from old age. The details surrounding the funeral arrangements are still being finalized by the family.

In October of last year, Lee Sun-kyun was charged with drug use and faced police investigation. Sadly, on December 27th, he died by sui***.

A Special Bond with Her Father-in-Law

Jeon Hye-jin reportedly shared a special bond with her father-in-law. In a 2014 talk show appearance, Lee Sun-kyun himself revealed this close relationship. He stated that his wife was the primary bridge between him and his father.

“My communication with Dad isn’t great,” Lee said at the time. “But he talks to Hye-jin a lot. They even work on the farm together.”

Lee also spoke about his father’s past struggles, including financial difficulties that led him to become a taxi driver to support the family.

“When I was young, Dad’s business failed, and we had to live in a small apartment,” Lee recounted. “I used to worry about people seeing me get into his taxi.”


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