“A Killer Paradox” is an upcoming South Korean Netflix comedy thriller that is based on the popular webtoon Sarinjaonnangam. The series will be directed by Lee Chang Hee, known for his work on the psychological thriller series Strangers from Hell, and written by screenwriter Kim Da Min.
The story revolves around Lee Tang, an ordinary college student who works part-time at a convenience store. One fateful night, he gets into an argument with a customer that escalates into violence, resulting in the customer’s death. Haunted by the incident, Lee Tang learns that the man he killed was a serial killer, and he begins to suspect that he has a supernatural ability to identify “bad seeds” – people who have committed heinous acts in the past.
- Korean Drama: A Killer Paradox (살인자o난감)
- Also Known As (AKA): Murderous Toy, The Murderer and the Toy, Murderer o Nangam, Murder DIEary, Sarinjaonangam, 살인자ㅇ난감
- Release date: February 9, 2024
- Cast:
- Choi Woo Shik as Lee Tang
- Son Seok Koo as Jang Nan Gam
- Lee Hee Jeon as Song Chon
- Number of episodes: 8
- Director: Lee Chang Hee
- Writer: Kim Da Min
- Production companies: Showbox, Let’s Film
- Aired On: Friday
- Watch On: Netflix
Driven by a sense of justice and guilt, Lee Tang starts to use his newfound ability to punish those who have slipped through the cracks of the legal system. He becomes a vigilante, making sure that the guilty pay for their sins. However, his actions soon catch the attention of Jang Nan Gam, a shrewd detective who is determined to bring him to justice.
Also Read: Netflix’s “A Killer Paradox”: Choi Woo-shik as the Accidental Vigilante
As Lee Tang’s vigilante activities escalate, he finds himself caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Detective Jang. He must navigate the murky waters of morality, questioning his own motives and the consequences of his actions.