On August 28th, SBS unveiled the character film for its new Friday-Saturday drama, “The Judge from Hell” (written by Jo Yi-soo, directed by Park Jin-pyo, produced by Studio S). The released clip featured Park Shin Hye in the role of Kang Bit-na.
In the teaser, Park Shin Hye makes a strong impression right away. She’s wearing high heels and a stunning wine-colored outfit. With a friendly smile, like she’s talking to kids, she says, “Shall we try it together? Justice is dead.” But then her smile disappears, and she says coldly, “So I’ll send you to hell myself.” After she turns away, the narration chimes in with, “Evil but charming.” This line really captures Kang Bit-na’s character, and it’s got everyone excited to see her as this wicked yet oddly charming anti-hero.
“The Judge from Hell (2024)” is a fantasy action drama where ’Kang Bit-na’ is a devil stuck in a judge’s body. She teams up with Han Da-on, a fiery detective, to punish criminals and eventually learns what it really means to be a true judge.
SBS’s new Friday-Saturday drama, “The Judge from Hell,” is set to premiere with its first two episodes on Saturday, September 21st, at 10 PM.