On September 6th, tvN’s reality show ‘Jinny’s Kitchen Season 2’ aired its final episode, showcasing actors Lee Seo Jin, Jung Yu Mi, Park Seo Joon, Choi Woo Shik, and Go Min Si successfully completing their last day of business at their Korean restaurant in Iceland.
The staff later gathered at the Seoul headquarters for a year-end party. PD Na Young Suk announced, “For the first part of the year-end party, we have a message from the CEO.”
Lee Seo Jin stood up with a sheepish grin. “You’ve all worked hard,” he began. When PD Na Young Suk requested individual comments, he drew attention by mentioning Go Min Si first.
Lee Seo Jin said, “Watching the show, it seems like Min Si worked the hardest. Thank you for your hard work.” He then teased Choi Woo Shik, saying, “It seems like you didn’t do much.” He also praised Park Seo Joon and Jung Yu Mi, saying, “As expected, Seo Joon took good care of the kitchen. Yu Mi did well too.”